
Monday, November 4, 2013

Entered CNN's Fit Nation Triathlon Challenge Contest.

If anyone is out here lurking, please support me in what could be a life changing experience.  Check out my video on CNN.  Comment and share with everyone you know. The more exposure I get the better it will be for Fit Nation and Sanjay Gupta to see my aspirations and help me help myself.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

10 Pounds Down And A LOVELY Autumn Season

Baby Bear's Favorite Person, Her Daddy!
Special time right now. I know I'm not posting a whole lot, I'm trying to enjoy time with our sweet girl while also getting more active. That means less time on the internet.  So far I'm down 10 pounds.  With 36 pounds left to go for my short term goal.

We love the Autumn season!  Took baby bear out to grandparents for Halloween.  It was SO fun.

This week, we're trying to finish the winterization and hunker down for what sounds like will be a pretty rough winter.  I hope we're prepared enough.  It's cold and rainy today.  We managed to finish mowing the front lawn but still need to get the rest of the leaves.  We cleaned out the gutters again for winter.  All the windows in the house are sealed.

Next the garage windows will be sealed, the chairs will all be put up in the storage. THEN Comes the back lawn to be mowed, leaves to be taken up front and the deck cleaned as well as the deck furniture stored.  We hope to have the garden cleaned out and tilled by next weekend.  I'll be planting fall garlic shortly for next spring. SO excited as we love the snow, but just need to get things comfy and cozy.

I hope your all doing well.  We're looking at a new chapter which I plan to share in the next few weeks.   As it stands now, I'm making fun Plant-based warm meals for the season. Lots of veggie soups and stews.    The books are out and I'm reading three right now.  "1000 Gifts", "Created To Be His Helpmeet", and believe it or not a children's book called" The Boxcar Children" which I was told was a classic series worth reading to children.  I thought I'd read it first.  I love it and bet that most young children would LOVE the series.

What are YOU reading?  What's on your seasonal menu?