I also am coming back from a vitamin D deficiency and SAD from the longer-darker season. I LOVE the snow but this winter has kicked my bum!
Y membership starts up in a couple weeks (I've been waiting PATIENTLY for flex spending to get their act together). I've been doing some HIIT workouts but holy cats are they hard! I feel like I'm starting from scratch again. I'd like to enter another Tri this year but it's been too hectic and there are simply other priorities we need to catch up on financially. My heart aches though as I see friends updates and see how hard their working and the camaraderie growing among the group. I can't stop though. If I can't do it in the group I was in last year, then I HAVE to use what I learned here at home. The only backside is I'm continuing to tweak meds. I'm not feeling the greatest lately. My knees are acting up again and I just feel utterly frustrated. Back in the water I go soon. I've been looking forward to the Y to gain momentum and just start feeling energetic again without putting too much weight on my knees.